Thursday, May 26, 2011

The Blessing Zone

Watch Greg Sidders deliver his message, "The Blessing Zone" in part 2 of his series, "Beyond Facebook."

In this podcast you are going to discover the most powerful secret to better relationships.

I know, that sounds like hype. "Secret" is a word so often used as a tease--a promise of some kind of previously-hidden nugget of revelation that will make what you thought was a complex problem surprisingly simple to solve. Too often those who say they know "the secret" over-promise and under-deliver.

That's not the kind of secret I'm talking about. I'm talking about a biblical principle that that is obscured by the fact that it is rarely stated explicitly. It's an implicit principle--the skeletal frame underneath the skin of so many of the Bible's relational commands. Supporting all those passages about how to forge better relationships is a ... well, a secret ... and when you discover it, it won't make all your relational challenges magically disappear, but it will light the path to a more satisfying social network. I promise.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Survivor Motherhood

Watch Survivor Motherhood, by Greg Sidders, Pastor, White Pine Community Church

I don't know of any job with a more lopsided rewards-to-labor ratio than that of motherhood. In what other profession do you get paid nothing for work that's never done? If anyone deserves a special day of recognition, it's moms. This Sunday at White Pine, I will be sharing a message designed to give those who have embraced the holy calling of motherhood a glimpse of God's perspective on their work.

If you are a mom, watch and be encouraged.

If you love someone who is a mom, invite her to watch with you and echo God's words of affirmation to her.

Then take her out to lunch!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Christianity Light

Watch Christianity Light By Greg Sidders, Pastor, White Pine Community Church

(For those who wish to watch on their PC or iPad, you might want to watch this video which is the same content, just at a higher resolution