Wednesday, November 19, 2014

One Solitary Life

Watch, "One Solitary Life" by Greg Sidders, Sunday, 11-16-14

Is a Christlike life an attainable goal?

Theologians may say no, but this Sunday we'll meet a man whose life begs to differ. And from his example we will catch a vision of the difference we can make in the world if becoming like Jesus is our consuming passion.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Growning Pains

Watch, "Growing Pains" by Greg Sidders, Sunday, 11-09-14, White Pine Community Church

Almost everybody I know has a love-hate relationship with church growth. They want more people to find and follow Jesus, of course, but can't the church grow without changing? We like it the way it is, thank you.
Statistically, more churches are successful at resisting change than they are at accommodating growth. But what if White Pine could grow without losing that which makes it special? And what if you could help the church do that?
In this message we will be studying Acts 6:1-7, a passage that shows both you and me how each of us can help the church keep getting better, even as it gets bigger.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

When Submission is Sin

Submission to authority is something that should characterize every Christian. But is there ever a time when it would be a sin to submit?
The Book of Acts answers that question clearly. Yes.
But how do we know when that time has come? We'll find out this Sunday at White Pine, so that we'll be prepared for that moment when obedience to God calls for holy rebellion.