Monday, April 27, 2015

True / False: Hell is Real

Watch, "True / False: Hell is Real" By Greg Sidders

The love of God and the horror of hell seem so incongruous that we can't help but wonder if the threat of eternal punishment is all bark and no bite--a fear tactic employed by fire-and-brimstone preachers that frightens people and saddens God.

Jesus never shied away from setting the record straight. So what did He have to say about hell? We'll find out in this message.

This is a subject I would prefer to avoid, but too much is at stake to do that. We need to know the truth, even if it does scare the you-know-what out of us.

True / False: Good People Go to Heaven

Watch, "True / False: Good People Go to Heaven" By Greg Sidders

Sunday, 04-19-15

Have you ever attended a funeral in which it was not assumed that the deceased was in "a better place"?
Me neither.

Whether through nature or nurture, most of us believe two things when it comes to the afterlife:

1) Good people go to heaven.
2) We are good people.

But is that what Jesus taught? In this message, we are going to see what He had to say about this subject. I want to urge you to listen, and to invite your friends, because too much is at stake to take a wait-and-see approach.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

The Kind of Worship That Makes Jesus Weep

Watch, "The Kind of Worship That Makes Jesus Weep" by Greg Sidders, Sunday, 03-29-15, White Pine Community Church

That's not a misprint. I'm not asking whether God puts conditions on His love for you. I'm asking whether your love for Him is buckled to the roller coaster of your circumstances.

If you will admit that your devotion to Jesus tends to climb and dive based on the ups and downs of life, In this message, we are going to take a closer look at that scene that plays in our mind every Palm Sunday. The triumphal entry of Jesus is about more than palm branches. It's really about a Savior whose love for us is far more dependable than our love for Him. When you see that love, in His eyes, on that donkey, it might just free you from earthbound worship once and for all.