Thursday, May 28, 2015

Worth Waking Up For

Watch, "Worth Waking Up For" by Doug Erdmann / White Pine Community Church, 05-24-15

"There is nothing quite as exhilarating as getting out of bed in the morning, going back into the world, and knowing why."

So said author Bill Hull, whose God-given passion overlaps with our speaker at White Pine this Sunday, Doug Erdmann. Doug and Joyce are White Pine partners who live in Singapore, where they equip disciples to reach Asia for Christ. In this message Doug will explain three things that are worth waking up for every morning.

What Does Jesus Want?

What Does Jesus Want? By Will Truesdell, Intervarsity New England / Sunday, 05-17-15, White Pine Community Church

If Jesus were to pray for White Pine Community Church, what would He ask for?

Actually, He did pray for us, over 2,000 years ago. And His prayer for those who would follow Him in the 21st century is recorded in John 17.

In this message, Will Truesdell, our friend and partner in ministry from Intervarsity New England, will lead us in a study of this passage that reveals the heart of our Lord for His church, and His love for you.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

True Beauty

Watch, "True Beauty" By Greg Sidders, Sunday, 05-10-15

If beauty is in the eye of the beholder, what kind of woman is attractive to God?

I'm sure you know that He is attracted to the kind of beauty that is invisible to those who are fixated on the physical, but exactly what are the attributes that comprise true beauty? We'll find out in this message as we celebrate the special women in our lives.

Monday, May 4, 2015

Faith is a Loophole

Watch, "True/False: Faith is a Loophole" By Greg Sidders, 05-03-15

Do Christians get a free pass on the Day of Judgment?

We know that God will judge those who do not follow Jesus, but what about those who do? Will our earthly behavior have eternal consequences, or does our faith excuse us from accountability for our actions?

I'll bet you have an opinion on this topic. So does Jesus. Let's explore what he has to say about it in this message.