Wednesday, June 24, 2015

What Great Dad's Do

Watch, "What Great Dad's Do" by Greg Sidders, Sunday 06-21-15

Perhaps there are some holidays that benefit no one more than Hallmark, but Father's Day is not one of them. This is the day when we say to our dads what they need to hear, despite their denial of that need.
But it can be hard to know what to say--because so much of what a father does is as inconspicuous as it is invaluable. So in this message I'm going to remind you of five unspectacular things that, according to the Bible, great dads do ... so that, when you have that awkward heartfelt conversation with your father, you'll know what to say.

An Investment Worth Pursuing

Watch, "An Investment Worth Pursuing" / Sunday, 06-14-15 / By Josh Sibert

Do you ever feel like you need to hurry and enjoy this beautiful summer weather even though it just began?  It seems like everything good, from summer weather to financial wealth, has an expiration date and ends too quickly!

Jesus tells us about an investment with a payout that is not only greater, but it never loses it's value!  (And no, I'm not just talking about Heaven.)

Join us as we take a look at this investment and why Jesus urges us not to miss out!

Monday, June 8, 2015

How Faith Grows

Watch, "How Faith Grows" By Greg Sidders, White Pine Community Church, Sunday, 06-07-15

A mustard seed isn't very big, but most of us could pour all our faith into one and have room to spare. Otherwise, we'd be moving more mountains.

That's not an indictment so much as it is an invitation. What if we could grow our faith to the point that God could use us (like He used Jesus) to do the miraculous? We can! The Bible gives us several practical ways to grow in faith, and this message Greg highlights them.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

What is Faith?

Without it we cannot please God. With it we can move mountains. But what is it? Faith, yes. But what is that?

You may think you know, but have you ever thoroughly examined what the Bible says about faith? Does it involve or ignore reason? Is it a choice, or are some people just hard-wired for it? What exactly do we have to believe to be "in the faith"? And what do we have to stop believing?

Too much is at stake for us to have a fuzzy definition of faith. I hope to help you see it with greater clarity in this message.