Monday, September 28, 2015

Me Last

Watch "Me Last" By Greg Sidders, Sunday, 09-27-15

Look out for number one. Toot your own horn. Claw your way to the top. Don't take no for an answer. Fight tooth and nail. We say it many different ways, but at the core is a me-first attitude that fuels our pursuit of life at its best.

But what if that attitude is a virus that has infected our operating system and made life anything but fulfilling? What if there is a better way?

This week at White Pine we are going to consider a radically different mindset: Me-last. It's what Jesus taught and modeled, and there are promises connected to that perspective that might give you (and me) the guts to give it a go.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Evangelism - Jesus Style

Watch Evangelism - Jesus Style by Randy Reynolds Sunday September 6, 2015
White Pine Community Church

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Under Construction

I'm about to say something risky, but stick with me.

This weekend is our second annual missions Sunday.

I am aware that disclosing such information is likely to produce one of two thoughts in you: either I have to be there! or I'd rather be anywhere else! But even if missions doesn't float your boat, I am asking you to make it a priority because I genuinely believe that you will be inspired by what you experience. You see, this is not just going to be about what God is doing through others; it's going to be about what He wants to do through you ... even if you never step foot in a foreign country. Trust me, the part you have been called to play in God's unfinished story matters more than you can imagine.