Monday, January 30, 2017

Find Your Voice

Watch Find Your Voice By Greg Sidders
White Pine Community Church January 29, 2017

What a great month January has been at White Pine! The vision of impacting all the communities north of Portland as deeply as we have the towns of Cumberland and North Yarmouth is both daunting and exciting--daunting because we know we can't do it on our own but exciting because we know God can do it through us! And we trust that He will as each of us PRAYS FOR ONE and OWNS OUR TOWN.  

But just as important as how we pray and what we see is whether we speak. Our outreach must be verbal as well as visual, so I want to help you find your voice. Will it take courage? Yes. Will it require that you become someone you're not? No. Come and see how God wants to use one-of-a-kind you to help others in your town find and follow Jesus.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Own Your Town

Watch "Own Your Town" By Greg Sidders
White Pine Community Church January 22, 2017                                                                                  

Why do you live where you live? 
There may be several answers to that question, but none is more significant than this one: 
Because God put you there.
Which raises another question: What was His purpose for putting you there?
I hope to help you ponder the implications of the fact that God is sovereign over your address. 
It's part of our vision series, because one of the best clues to what God has in mind for us is where He has planted you.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Pray For One

Watch Pray For One By Greg Sidders
White Pine Community Church January 15, 2017

If I told you that God can use you like no one else to help the person you most want to end up in heaven to find and follow Jesus, would you believe me? What if I said that your personality, your Bible knowledge, your past sins, your spiritual gifts, your hurts, hang-ups and handicaps are irrelevant? And what if I promised to share with you the one one thing that you can do that your pre-Christian friend cannot resist? Would that make you want to be in church this Sunday?

I'll be continuing to share our elders' vision for the future of White Pine, and I so want you there, because I know God wants to speak to you very personally, not just about His plans for you, but also about His love for you.

Monday, January 9, 2017

The Territory Ahead

Watch "The Territory Ahead" By Greg Sidders

White Pine Community Church January 8, 2017

Fifteen years ago, three Cumberland couples dreamed of starting a church that they could invite their non-Christian friends to. What God has done because of their faith and vision has been more than they could have asked or imagined. 
But what about the next 15 years? What if we were to dream together about a future that is as miraculous as White Pine's past? What if God wants to use us like He used our church's founders?
I am going to share with you what our elders see as we dream about White Pine's future. And the reason it matters so much to me that you are there to hear about our vision is because it's more than just a picture of our future; it's also a picture of yours.

Saturday, January 7, 2017

Looking Ahead

Watch "Looking Ahead" By Josh Sibert

White Pine Community Church January 1 2017

This will be the first day of a new beginning.  It will be a day to say goodbye to all of the best and worst aspects of the past.  Celebrating the new year gives us a chance to start fresh and look forward to what is ahead.  I hope you will join us as we remove the distractions of our past so that we can run forward toward what God has for us in 2017.