Monday, March 27, 2017

When Disillusionment Hits

Watch "When Disillusionment Hits" By Greg Sidders
White Pine Community Church March 26, 2017

"Be everywhere, do everything, and never fail to astonish the customer." That's the motto of Macy's, and it also sums up what I expected from Jesus when I first began to follow Him.  I thought He would be everywhere and do everything I wanted Him to do with astonishing power.

He has astonished me, all right--by not doing what I expected. Everyone who follows Jesus will at some point hit the this-isn't-what-I-signed-up-for wall of disillusionment. Why should we keep following Him when He doesn't exceed our expectations?

We are going to watch Jesus astonish His disciples, and not in a delightful way. We'll see most turn away and a few keep following. And we will discover what fueled the endurance of the minority, so that we too will have what it takes to follow our unpredictable Lord all the way to the finish line.

Sunday, March 19, 2017

When Wealth Strangles

Watch "When Wealth Strangles" By Greg Sidders
White Pine Community Church March 19, 2017

It is impossible to follow Jesus in a society as prosperous as America without ever wrestling with the question of what He wants you to do with your money.
Unfortunately, answers to that question--even by those who claim to teach the Bible--vary so dramatically that, lacking clarity, we gravitate toward our preferences ... or, to use the language of the apostle Paul, we gather around us a great number of teachers to say what our itching ears want to hear (2 Timothy 4:3).
But I dare you to find a prosperity preacher who regularly quotes the Gospel of Luke. Why? Well, let's just say Luke doesn't scratch where we itch.
But integrity demands that we brace ourselves and let Luke speak, because his Gospel contains far more words of Jesus on the subject of money and possessions than any other New Testament book. So this Sunday at White Pine, we are going to highlight every quote of Jesus in the Gospel of Luke that has financial implications.
I promise you this: Clarity.

Sunday, March 12, 2017

When Jesus Calls

Watch "When Jesus calls" By Greg Sidders
White Pine Community Church March 12, 2017

Picture two roads diverging in the woods. One is broad, level and crowded with hikers. The other is narrow, steep and occupied by one lone figure--Jesus. 

Why follow Him instead of them? 

Between now and Easter Sunday, we are going to study the map (the Gospels) to see what we can expect if we continue to follow Jesus every time we come to a fork in the road. Knowing both the cost and the reward will prepare us to take the less traveled route all the way to a destination like no other.

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Stepped-Up Faith In A Messed-Up World

Watch "Stepped-Up Faith In A Messed-Up World" By Ric Ochsner
White Pine Community Church March 5, 2017

How will your faith hold up when it's put to the test? When it's under fire?

It's one thing to believe something.  It's quite another to put it to action!