Sunday, December 17, 2017

How Great People Live

Watch " How Great People Live " By Greg Sidders
White Pine Community Church December 17, 2017

Who is your favorite Bible character?
More importantly, who was Jesus' favorite Bible character?
We will find out not only who it was, but why. In the process we will learn how to become great in the eyes of God.

Sunday, December 10, 2017


Watch "REV.YOU" By Greg Sidders
White Pine Community Church December 10, 2017

If you only knew how much potential you have to help others live forever, it would blow your mind.

And it would change the way you read your Bible. You would read about how powerfully God used the twelve apostles, and it would give you a vision of how powerfully He wants to use you. And you would realize that the instructions He gave them (like those in Mark 6:7-13), He is also giving you. And when you followed those instructions, you would get the same results that the apostles got, and feel the same satisfaction they felt.

But that's just wishful thinking, right? God would never really use us like He used them, would He?

Watch and find out.

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Advent, The Coming

Watch "Advent, The Coming" By Greg Sidders
White Pine Community Church December 3, 2017

If you're anything like me, you're susceptible to allowing the busyness of the Christmas season to eclipse the significance of it. 
That's why Advent matters. It's a way to create space in our minds and hearts for the good news we hear every Christmas-that God has wrapped Himself in human flesh and come near to us. 
To help you and your family really celebrate Christmas this year, I'd like to offer these two suggestions:
1.  Begin using this Advent Calendar today to bring the spirit of Christmas into your home.
2.  Watch our family-friendly Advent kickoff 

Merry Christmas!