Sunday, September 30, 2018

The Misfit

Watch "The Misfit" By Greg Sidders
White Pine Community Church September 30, 2018

There are those who are used greatly by God, and then there are those who are, well, like you.
Whether it's because of your wiring, your priorities or your track record, you know that you're not the kind of person that Jesus would ever call on to do anything significant for Him.
Which is why He just might.
I hope you will watch to catch of glimpse of God's stubborn plan to use you like no one else. 

Sunday, September 23, 2018

The Sinner

Watch "The Sinner" By Greg Sidders
White Pine Community Church September 23, 2018

Most of us convince ourselves that we are good people right up to the point that we are caught doing something undeniably bad. That's when everything crumbles, including our confidence that we will be able to stand before Jesus unashamed.
But there is a story in the Bible that tells us how He responds when someone with no excuse for their behavior is shoved in His face.  We'll read that story together and rejoice that in this unmerciful world, there is One who  refuses to treat us as ours sins deserve.

Sunday, September 16, 2018

The Outcast

Watch "The Outcast" by Greg Sidders
White Pine Community Church September 16, 2018

You have tried everything you know to quench your soul's thirst. Education. Recreation. Work. Sex. Wealth. Travel. Adventure. Volunteerism. Maybe even religion. But nothing satisfies, at least not for long.

What would Jesus say to someone who still hasn't found what they're looking for? What would He say to someone who has found it, but still feels like something is missing?

Sunday, September 9, 2018

The Seeker

Watch "The Seeker" By Greg Sidders
White Pine Community Church September 9, 2018

Frederich Buechner described Jesus as "that fathomless, elusive, unpredictable, haunting, and finally unknowable figure who moves though the [gospels] like a figure in an old newsreel."
But any time an individual comes face-to-face with Jesus, whether it's a character in the Bible or a 21st-century person like you or me, that encounter transforms Jesus from a forgettable, shadowy figure to a real, flesh-and-blood Person that we have no choice but to reckon with.
Join us at White Pine throughout the month of September as we encounter Jesus through the stories of those who have met Him personally.

Monday, September 3, 2018

Default Response: Pray

Watch "Default Response" By Josh Sibert
White Pine Community Church September 2, 2018

Today's message follows up our recent series on prayer and talks about how to put what we've learned into practice.