Watch Greg Sidders in, Superheroes Part 2 / White Pine Community Church / 07/24/11
I had been a follower of Jesus for only a few months when I attended a retreat with this theme:Make a Mark That's Hard to Erase. The words were carved into wood--and into my heart, because they spoke to my deepest longing: to live the kind of life that, in some small way, would change the world for the better.
But I wondered (then, and many times since), Could God really use someone like me? I think that feeling of inadequacy is one of the most common barriers to a life of significance. We assume our ambitions exceed our abilities.
But the Bible is full of ordinary people who accomplished extraordinary things, and in this message we're going to learn from one of those biblical superheroes what it takes for an average Joe/Jane to make a mark that's hard to erase.
I believe God's plans for you are bigger than you can imagine, and I'm excited to share with you some nitty-gritty steps you can take to make His dream for your life come true.