Monday, July 25, 2016


 Watch "Post-Materialism" By Greg Sidders
White Pine Community Church July 24, 2016

When it comes to money, which of these two statements best fits you?
a) "I worry about not having enough."
b) "I have more than enough, and I know how I'm going to spend it."
Actually, there is a third option. Jesus advocated a "none of the above" mindset about money in the Matthew 6:19-34, and those rare few who adopt it find peace and joy that eludes most people in our materialistic world. I hope you'll join us this Sunday as we allow the Sermon on the Mount to purify our perspective on money.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

An Audience Of One

Watch " An Audience Of One" By Greg Sidders
White Pine Community Church July 17, 2016

This week at White Pine we learn how the audience we desire to please can determine whether our actions are good or bad.

Thursday, July 14, 2016

How Good is Good Enough?

Watch, "How Good is Good Enough" By Greg Sidders, Sunday, 07/10/16

The more sermons you hear, the harder it is to discern where God's word stops and human interpretation begins.

But the Sermon on the Mount was different. In it, Jesus stripped layers of human commentary off of God's word to restore it to its original condition. By doing so, he showed us exactly what it takes to get to heaven, and what it looks to live like someone who is headed there.

I hope that by listening to this message your soul will be detoxified as you hear the unaltered voice of Jesus.

Monday, July 4, 2016

The Kind Of People Who Change The World

Watch "The Kind Of People Who Change The World"
By Greg Sidders
White Pine Community Church July 3, 2016

What kind of people please God? What kind of people have the brightest future to look forward to? What kind of people change the world?

The eightfold answer to those questions is found in the famous words with which Jesus began the Sermon on the Mount.  They're called the Beatitudes.

Sunday, July 3, 2016

The God Who Keeps His Promises


 Watch The God Who Keeps His Promises By Doug Erdmann
 White Pine Community Church June 26, 2016


Promises, promises. God has made a lot of them! But can they really be trusted? This Sunday at White Pine, our missionary to Singapore, Doug Erdmann, will show us why our response to God's promises makes such a big difference in our relationship with Him. Join us!