Sunday, October 28, 2018

Staying Saved

Watch "Staying Saved" By Greg Sidders
White Pine Community Church October 28, 2018

If the gospel can be symbolized by a seed, and our hearts by soil, there are, in the church, some whose soil is too rocky for the seed to take root. They believe, but briefly.
How can you make sure your soil is such that the gospel, once implanted, remains rooted? How can you make sure you do not fall away?
In our study of 1 John 2:18-28 we will learn how to be among those whose faith is still strong when Jesus comes to take us home.

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Do You Love Him?

Watch " Do You Love Him? " By Greg Sidders
White Pine Community Church October 21, 2018

When what God did for us through His Son Jesus really sinks in, we cannot help but love Him for it. 

But how do we say to God, "I love You"?

With words and worship, yes. But, more powerfully, with actions. It is how we live that best communicates our love (or lack of love) for our heavenly Father.

We'll learn from 1 John 2:12-17 how to put love for God into action.

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Traits Of A True Christian

Watch "Traits Of A True Christian" By Greg Sidders
White Pine Community Church October 14, 2018

The language we use to describe salvation is varied-knowing God, being a Christian, having eternal life-but at the core of all that spiritual terminology is the critical question: Are you going to heaven? 

You may think you know the answer to that question, but how can you be certain? 
 We will be studying 1 John 2:3-11, which identifies three identifying marks of true faith. If you don't want to have to guess where you or a loved one stands with God, this study will give you the clarity you seek.

Sunday, October 7, 2018

No Reason To Hide

Watch "No Reason To Hide" By Greg Sidders
White Pine Community Church October 7, 2018

 Imagine if an archeologist unearthed a letter from Jesus' best friend, written to people who didn't know Christ personally about how to get close to Him. How valuable would that letter be to you? How carefully would you want to read it?
We have the letter. 
It's called 1 John, and it's in the Bible. For the next several weeks, we are going to mine it for practical help in our quest to know God and follow Jesus. If you want to be 100% sure of your salvation and more fulfilled in your relationship with God, this is the series for you!