Monday, March 26, 2018

A Love Story

Watch "A Love Story " By Greg Sidders
White Pine Community Church March 25, 2018

You know God loves the world collectively, but how can you be sure He loves you personally? 
It's not by interpreting your circumstances, because they are always changing, sometimes arguing for God's love, sometimes arguing against it. No, there has to be something more reliable, more unchanging.
There is.

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Why People Reject Jesus

Watch "Why People reject Jesus" By Greg Sidders
White Pine Community Church March 18, 2018

Some people say "I can't" when what they really mean is "I won't."
They say that what is keeping them from Jesus is an unconvinced mind, but the real issue is an unwilling heart.
In our study of Mark 11:27--12:27, we are going to see through the intellectual objections of Christ's critics into the motives of their hearts ... and perhaps discover what lies beneath our own reluctance to go all in.

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Jesus Under Pressure

Watch "Jesus Under Pressure" By Greg Sidders
White Pine Community Church March 11, 2018

"True character is revealed in the choices a human being makes under pressure. The greater the pressure, the deeper the revelation."
It was Robert McKee who wrote that, and we know it's true, because we have seen it in our own lives and in the lives of others.  Pressure reveals character.

In our study of Mark 10:46--11:25, we will see what character traits Jesus displayed when He was under pressure. I think it will increase both your reverence for Him and your desire to be more like Him. 

Sunday, March 4, 2018

Descending Into Greatness

Watch "Descending Into Greatness" By Greg Sidders
White Pine Community Church March 4, 2018

"We are built for significance," wrote Joe Stowell. "Our problem is not that we search for it, but that we search for it in all the wrong places."

OK, then, what's the right place?

In Mark 10:32-45, Jesus gives us a clear and unforgettable answer to that question. If you want to be a truly significant person--dare I say, a great person--don't miss church this Sunday.